Rwanda Revenue Authoritys Tax Stamp Validator App scans the 2D Barcodes on the Products as well as option to enter the USDN No. of the Products approved by RRA, Rwanda and provides whether it is valid or invalid product. If the product is genuine, then this App provides following information about the product1) Company Name2) Product3) Product Type4) Product Name5) Brand6) Description7) Address8) Location9) Manufacture date10) Quantity 11) Status12) Stamp ColorIn addition to above feature, ‘Report Issue’ is included for 4 different types of offences as below and the report can be submitted along with supporting photoa) Not Genuineb) Mismatch of Volume / Brandc) No Tax Stamp on the Productd) QR Code / Serial Number Not VisibleAlso, option for ‘Contact Us’ is provided, in which the user can directly dial (phone or short code) or email to RRA